This site is for all Atheists, especially new Atheists, black Atheists, ex-Muslim, former Jehovah Witnesses, and any Atheists who are struggling with revealing their rejection of a belief in God.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Wednesday's "What They Really Believe": Jehovah's Witnesses

This "What They Really Believe" episode of the Dark Skin Disbeliever has been brought to you today by The Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses…

…door to door salespersons for God.  Just give them a few minutes of your time, and they will sell you the miracle elixir. I'd rather buy an annual subscription to Time. Let us begin.

Today's posting has personal significance. It really hit's close to home (no pun intended). As far back as I can remember, Jehovah's Witnesses have been knocking at my doors. They even stopped my father and I at the local city park. I can vividly recall my father asking this lady about the race of Adam and the location of The Garden of Eden. She was trying to explain to my father that Eden was an unknown place and Adam had several layers of races in his skin and all of his different children were different colors. I have no idea whether this is regularly taught by these people, but her bizarre comments have had an indelible mark on my objections to all forms of religion.

Also, before I begin my little lesson in loud mouth liars, I have to tell you a story. Here is my status update from my real facebook page.

...had yet another Jehovah's Witness come to my door. He was well dressed with a nice tie (I have the exact same blue and gold print).This time when he asked could he talk to me I said sure. If I may beg my own pardon, I think I scared him away. I may have told more about the history of his own faith that even he knew. I never saw a Witness so much in a hurry to leave. He said he was coming back. Think he will?

What did I know that made him skedaddle? Is there something that bad about this so called church? Maybe Jehovah was testing me. Well I can assure you that I have already failed this test. The dogma ate my homework.

The word cult has not been used enough to our society when concerning certain denominations, religions, groups and organizations. They hide in our Freedom of Religion rights and commit crimes against intelligence throughout the world. Religions like these create strive off of mind and behavior control and have considerable potential for great harm up to and including death.

That's not all. Today I will show you how this religion was basically made up. Ancient religions at least have the luxury of being so old and ludicrous, that I can almost understand how a person could believe them. Almost. These new religions who claim to "have it all figured out" can not claim similar convenient ignorance.  We will also try to tackle why they are harmful to the human cause.


The man who started it all was Charles Taze Russell. I promise to investigate into him at a later "Monday Morning Moron". He seemed like a well meaning guy in the beginning. All he wanted to do was study the bible. I guess after studying the book and realizing that people would believe anything, he just decided to start making shit up.

He actually told people that Jesus returned in 1874. That should have been enough for…well everybody, but not so fast. He Supersized his bs. Later, he began teaching that God Almighty would return in 1914. Let me repeat that 1914. Oops. But let's try to defend that statement. Maybe God sparred us all. Maybe there was confusion. These guys will hopefully get it together and work it all out after Pastor Russell died and a new leader, Joseph Franklin Rutherford arrived on the scene. Cross your fingers.

Being railroaded unfairly treated and pussies conscientious objectors fueled a lot of hatred and they were treated like shit. They were even tarred and feathered at times. Not cool at all early 1900s. Not cool at all. You have created a monster.Once you make a real victim, they then have a voice.

Anyway so Rutherford is in charge now. He kicks a lot of the dead weight leadership out and decides to make a newer sleeker Cadillac version of what was then called The Watchtower Society. Back to the con-artist lies. He claimed that Abraham and Isaac would return in 1925. Damn. Stood up again! First Jesus and God, and now these douchebags? They could have called and said that they had to beat their Canaanite slaves that day.

That should be enough proof right there If you have half a brain, you can see that these guys were opportunists preying on the weak minded with fear and the hope of a returning Savior. With all the failed predictions (I could have named more), they should have been toast decades ago. How are they still around claiming to have a completely believable 18 million members? Need I remind you that the Blue Whale is facing extinction?

 Every aspect of their history is unimportant to me. Where they are from, who they are, and what they do is my primary focus. Especially when the beliefs are really strange and – at times – scary. Here are the highlights.

Beliefs and Practices

There are many types of religious beliefs. Some are practiced; some are thrown away as time and knowledge progresses. But rarely does a belief system, based on the teachings of a few morons, show itself in the face of all to mock and ridicule. It is a field day for an Atheist writer such as myself.  This makes my job much easier. The disbelief writes itself. Try to wrap your head around this nonsense.

One of the more strange things are the Jehovah's Witnesses numbers game. Only 144,000 Christians will get to heaven. That's less than 10% of the organization TODAY. When the odds are against you going in, you might as well be a sinner.Even blackjack has better odds.

They are an evangelical group which means they take time out of their day to go door to door telling you how it's great being  Jehovah's Witnesses.

Fetuses are human so abortion is murder. In truth fetuses are fetuses so abortion is abortion. I am not the biggest fan of abortion, but I am pro-choice. A fetus is a part of a woman and she get's to make that choice. And it's not like these people are going to adopt every forced fetus. Once it's here, they don't seem to care that much.

 Men are the biggest and the strongest, so their word is final. They may consider the weak woman's ideas and feelings but since there are not that many positive female role models, God didn't give a shit about them. He just wanted them to be good clean women. Hold on tight ladies. It's going to be years and years of servitude. You might remember this custom before people regularly bathed.

If your husband or wife beats you to the point of death, doesn't matter. No Divorce. Intentionally gave you herpes ? Nope. Abused your kids? Try again. The only reason God would allow you to get a divorce? Adultery. Of all the reasons to divorce I just named, which one is NOT illegal? Adultery. I guess God doesn't really care if you married Susan Smith or Richard Kuklinski. As long as they don't get any side action, you better stay married to them. You may only legally separate. If you want to remarry, you better wait until your would be serial killer dies.

 I'll get into the the blood transfusion nonsense in the next part. I hope I don't rant.

The whole makeup and leadership is what clearly makes it a cult.

a religion or sect considered to be false, unorthodox, or extremist, with members often living outside of conventional society under the direction of a charismatic leader.
Not only do they define cult. It should be a new specially designed name to describe these phonies. Linguists..GET ON IT! Anyway. These guys claim that their revelations are from God, which we know is bullshit. That allows them to spread the "word". It also prohibits you from thinking on your own.

The main thing a cult does that makes it unique in every way in today's society is their control over the lives of the parishioners. Of course we can say that everyone makes attempts to control. However for the most part, you can pretty much throw that all out the window when you leave. But not JH. They control your employment options, your ability to vote, serve your country, celebrate holidays and birthdays, and most importantly, your social life.

They pride themselves on shunning the outside world and even members not considered in good standing with the church. I have heard of cases where some people have no other choice but to return to the church for very practical reasons. When your entire family, community, and social life is centered on a religious belief, wouldn't you find it difficult to just turn your back on everything that you know? I guess that's a familiar subject. I can't just tell my loved ones that I am an Atheist for very similar reasons.

What makes them harmful to the human race?

First and foremost I believe in the human race. I think that the majority of people can learn and apply those skills to everyday life. We have spent so much time trying to figure out things through religion, that when we finally get a good grasp on intelligence, religion rears its stupid head. Yes I am an immature child. They are all stupid heads.

I think with all the achievements we have made in our 200,000 years, we have only dipped one toe in the water. This is a rough draft, preview... a mere brainstorming of things to come. I wish that I could be here to see it. But when people choose to believe in something that is clearly false, that slows us all down.

They commit suicide at a high rate. Like I said in the previous section, this is from shunning and never thinking that you can make it to that 144,000 saints in the end. If you are gay, lesbian, want to see the world the people you trust the most may turn their backs on you. Think about that. What have they really done to deserve that pain, suffering and depression? While I believe any human that would like to commit suicide is entitled to do so, I just would hate to see it be done by the actions of these judgmental pricks.

Another reason I think I may actually hate this organization is their beliefs concerning Blood Transfusions. This is a quote taken from their website:

‘If transfusion medicine is so fraught with dangers,’ you might wonder, ‘why is blood still used so extensively, particularly when there are alternatives?’ One reason is that many doctors are simply reluctant to change treatment methods or are unaware of therapies that are currently used as alternatives to transfusions. According to an article in the journal Transfusion, “physicians make transfusion decisions based upon their past teaching, enculturation, and ‘clinical judgment.’”

Pretty slick aye? Not so fast Watchtower members. You are trying to use medicine to reject the usefulness of blood transfusions. First of all, the medical community rejects your proof of it's "harm vs help" claims. Second, we all know why you guys are against blood transfusion. The Bible told you so. You look at old, difficult to transliterate texts from dead languages to justify your abstaining from this common form of medical treatment. Take a look at why they are giving a thumbs down to Blood Transfusions:

  • Genesis 9:4 "But flesh (meat) shall not eat"
  • Leviticus 17:12-14 "...No soul of you shall eat blood...whosoever eateth it shall be cut off"
  • Acts 15:29 "That ye abstain...from blood..."
  • Acts 21:25 "...Gentiles...keep themselves from things offered to idols and from blood..." Source

Here is your chance to turn away. Parental discretion is advised.

Are you fucking kidding me?

In the immortal words of the great Dennis Miller, I don't wanna go on a rant here, but these people are using religion to basically kill children. Yep. I said it. There are causing the deaths of their own children willingly and intentionally. There is no remorse. God doesn't want them to do it, because of the bible. The Bible? Where the fuck was there a Blood Transfusion in the bible? It's clear that they were not referring to medical procedures, because this is what constituted a medical procedure back then.

That's Trepanning folks. That's where they would drill a hole in your head to treat diseases.Since we consider it to be a pseudoscience by today's standards, why didn't God let people know that this was stupid. Well first there is no God and second people back then had no idea what the fuck they were talking about. But that's okay. The old ass retarded book you base your life on is alright.

Or you can wait for the Son of God to magically come down from the sky for 33 years and hook someone with these solutions...



So believable. Back to the baby killers.

Pro- Life advocates promote the right to life. Abortion is murder because all life is precious. They want you to choose life over death. They are baby killers. Who is going to save them. Its a child, not a choice.Oh the horror. They will show you pictures of aborted fetuses. Protests are staged and even politicians are always head to head in heated debates.Shouldn't the same be true for children who were actually born?

Ladies and gentlemen I give you Joshua McAuley , Dennis Lindberg, Elena Godlevskaya, Joshua Walker, Judith Riberas, Marcos Vallés, Walter Swisher, Adrian Yeatts, Lenae Martinez and many more. 

These were real kids. Not what your lack of knowledge about science and medicine tells you what a real child may be. They died because of their religion or because their parents are culpable. Manslaughter at the least.

So what have we learned today. These people are liars, hypocrites, murderers, fucking assholes who have no moral authority. Fuck them.

That is why today's Wednesday What They Really Believe is The Watchtower wackos known as the Jehovah's Witnesses.

Join me Friday for my Friday Afternoon Rant.


  1. I was a JW for many years, not I don't believe in god/gods at all. Many in my family are JWs, and some, I just found out, are recent "inductees." Just found this site, but have to run. Can't wait to come back when I have time. And yep, JW is a very dangerous cult, and hope you will/or have addressed that issue on this site

  2. Just wanna clear up a few things..JW's believe 144,000 people will go to heaven, true, but the rest will eternally reside here on an earth transformed into paradise. Can't believe I used to believe that crap...but I really did.
