Belief. What a powerful word. It has come to be a word that controls what we know, what to think, how to act and even where we are from. Today, we will be discussing belief, the definition, the mechanics of the how it affects us, and the problems that arise when we believe too much.
People talk about this word belief all the time. Believe. Do you believe. I believe.. My beliefs are strong. If you like to drink, have a drinking game. Watch any show on Trinity Broadcasting Network(Kenneth Copeland's Believers Voice of Victory is too easy), and any time you hear the word believe, take a shot. I haven't done this yet, but I guarantee that you will be wasted. I prefer 1800 Tequila. It comes with it's own shot top.
When I was with my barber, I would use "believe" all the time. He stopped me in my tracks and asked me "Do you even know what the hell that means" I didn't. Once I realized exactly what belief was, I could never use the word the same way again.
With all this believing going around, what does it all mean?
Belief is the psychological state in which an individual holds a proposition or premise to be true. Source
Main Entry: be·lief
Pronunciation: \bə-ˈlēf\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English beleave, probably alteration of Old English gelēafa, from ge-, associative prefix + lēafa; akin to Old English lȳfan — more at believe
Date: 12th century
1 : a state or habit of mind in which trust or confidence is placed in some person or thing Source
2 : confidence in the truth or existence of something not immediately susceptible to rigorous proof: a statement unworthy of belief. Source
So if you break it down, believe is basically accepting something to be true. When you accept what someone says, there has to be either a certain level of doubt or no verifiable proof that this thing is real. So you take them at their word. Go with the flow. Respect the teachings of others so much that you abandon your ability to question everything. So the thing that makes us human, we totally forget about.
Is this making any sense to you? If so, enlighten me. Just make sure you don't use the word belief.
The question still exists why do people believe. Why would somebody just listen to their parents about the existence of a creator?
There are a few answers that I have come up with:
- Fear - The unknown is a very terrifying thing. We wake up everyday. As soon as we are born we can reasonably assume that we will go to sleep and wake up with normal regularity. The uncertainty is death. We cannot predict when it will happen or how it will happen. We just know it is coming, closer, everyday. How do we deal with it? The reward of afterlife. As long as we follow arbitrary rules, we will have a good reincarnation or paradise. If we don't follow these old, outdated, nonspecific rules, there are many different punishments we face after death. The best way to combat these fears is to create these unbelievable scenarios. That's why we people believe through fear. The problem with this fear? No one really believes it. That's why we don't pray for death. We want to live. Because when it's over, its over baby. We are born alone, we die alone.
- Obedience - This is the easiest to overcome and the weakest of all of the reasons why we believe in the supernatural. However it is our first experience with belief. As a child, when an authority figure tells you something, you tend to believe it. That is why they call it impression. You can make a huge impression on a child and you don't have to be very convincing. The interesting fact is a child's tremendous fascination and curiosity. I have several nieces and nephews, friends and family with kids and even two myself. They are always into things. You can tell them not to do something. They will find a way to do it. That's because we need PROOF! Even when still in diapers, we need to experiment. Perfect example is fire. They have to touch something hot to finally believe you. As you can see, this is ironically our first steps in a semi-scientific experiment. Well maybe not that far, but we do take the same approach. Obedience is what causes children to believe in Santa. Skepticism causes us to reject Kris Kringle. Let's have the same rational approach when dealing with God.
- Ignorance - this is when you are uninformed. Civil Rights? Christianity? My job? I am very informed on all of these things. Ask me about Quantum Physics, Kenny Chesney, or The Hills and you are dealing with an ignorant person. That doesn't mean we cannot easily educate ourselves on, well, EVERYTHING. There is no need to feel like you can't learn. Learn what something is, then disagree with it. For example, if someone else asks me "Who made the Big Bang?" or say something ignorant such as "I didn't come from any apes!" I am going to go crazy. Obviously, you are ignorant to so much about reality, that you can't even ask a difficult or sensible question. Easy remedy for this: read. Not just the Quran or Book of Mormon. Read about everything that you disagree with. This way, you will easily come to certain educated, rational, and logical conclusions like, "I do not believe in GOD. I am an Atheist. Just like my buddy, The Dark Skin Disbeliever"
- Rationalization - There is so much in the universe that we can not possibly know. This is due to several different reasons. One is because we weren't there. We can't explain some things because we have no proof that they even happened. Another reason is because we cannot recreate certain scenarios. Humans can't really recreate the universe to show you that the Big Bang is more than likely real. On the other hand, I find it funny that believers hold scientists to such rigid standards. They have absolutely no standards concerning their beliefs. Now comes the rationalization or making excuses. When we don't want to eliminate God or learn about reality, we do the exact opposite and just say "God did it" or "God says so". Instead of Rationalization try to have a Rational mind and not use the fantastical tale of God.
So what's the problem with belief? Why are you against it? A little belief has never hurt a soul. Right? Wrong!
First of all, I am strongly convinced that a belief in God is just humans forced imagination. No matter what I say to some of you, you will still believe. I can give you the history of these religions, science, facts, figures, logic, and everything that you weren't exposed to that I feel is overwhelming evidence to show you that God is nonsense. You will still make as many excuses and BS reasons that you can to show that I am wrong. I am the crazy one. The Dark Skin Disbeliever is an agent of the devil. Yeah the devil. That dude. It all makes sense. I am possessed by the devil with all these facts. How convenient. Do me a favor. Say everything you believe about God aloud. Not just the religious dogma. Not just the things that your chosen religious leaders have told you to say. Tell me what God is...See? Sounds silly right. So the first thing is the lack of knowledge. We aren't even taught about science like we should. That's because the Religious Right, Islam, and other religions want to teach you creationism. Ignorance wins one again.
The next issue I have is the violence. If God is so loving, so caring and so real..why do we have to get to him through so much hurt. Being an African American, we have went through so much pain to get to God. How can he be real? Consider the route that your people have went through. Learn the real history. Knowledge is of self is the key to any man, woman or child. An old saying states that you "Gotta know where you are coming from to know where you're gonna go." I am sure no matter your race, your ancestors have experienced similar atrocities by the hand of God. Violence has won this round. But it can be easily overcome by the courage of knowledge.
I was going to get into more detail. But want to get into it deeper next week.
Thanks for visiting this site in it's first week of the The Dark Skin Disbeliever.
Next week: Dark Skin Disbeliever: Full Throttle. So much more, that your head will spin.
Monday Morning Moron - This is where we profile everyone in the world of belief, superstition, conspiracy theory, aliens and anyone else who spreads ignorance.
What They Really Believe Wednesdays - This is where we talk about all the crazy things religious people believe, why it's bullshit, and why it doesn't really different from most religions.
Free For All Fridays - This is when I just rant, ramble, and rave like the ridiculous risk taker that I shall remain.
Once again, thank you all for everything.
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