This site is for all Atheists, especially new Atheists, black Atheists, ex-Muslim, former Jehovah Witnesses, and any Atheists who are struggling with revealing their rejection of a belief in God.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

The Real Who. A Brief History of The Dark Skin Disbeliever

This Sunday evening blog has been brought to you today by Mr Albert Einstein, who once said:

The word God is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human weakness, the Bible a collection of honorable, but still purely primitive, legends which are nevertheless pretty childish.

Face it. He was one of us! Give him back.

My journey into Atheism was a long a difficult road that began as soon as I was Baptised. Ironically, my mother is principally responsible for this decision. She made sure that I read at an early age, gave me a good grasp of logic and common sense, and placed The King James Version on my lap before I reached the 1st grade. Logic, common sense, The Bible? Not necessarily birds of a feather. But most importantly, she taught me to question all things. When certain things eventually never added up..well here we are.

So who is The DSD?
Let's get the stats out of the way.
 Age: 26
Race: Black
Sex: Male
Occupation: Private Consultant
Income: 30,000 to 70,000 (it varies in this economy)
Marital Status: Married
Children: 1 girl, 1 boy

I am from a large urban metropolis. To be more specific an area somewhere in or between Kansas City and Philadelphia. I was even born at a Catholic Hospital. I'm not referring to the Catholic Hospitals just because they have a Catholic  name. I'm talking about all art being Christian themed, nuns, and anything that would be considered throwback to the later seventies to early eighties.

Too bad there were no Baptist hospitals, because we were - for all intents and purposes - Missionary Baptist. I was baptized at age 7 when I cried to be considered "born again". Choir practice was every Tuesday and I sung my heart out. Our congregation was small so it was pretty much like a family for a few years. These were all good times actually. No pedophilia, physical abuse, no ugly gossip or anything that would cause me to have bad feelings toward Christianity.

Simultaneously, we were always occupied with church related activities. My mother read the bible every morning while on the toilet and would sit there with her bible dictionary attempting to interpret those archaic texts filled with dead languages and such. We also went on crusades. For those of you who don't know what a crusade is- it's when you basically follow a religious icon around the country and give him a lot of money hoping that he will heal you or give you that sweet sweet holy spirit. Particularly, we went to see Pastor Benny Hinn. I promise that I will rail this bogus charlatan later.

So where did it all go wrong DSD? How did you become a this hell bound, anti-Christian, heathen bent on destroying all of God's work and challenging The Word?

At age 10, I began - what most 14 year old males - would call puberty. During this time, challenging authority figures was a favorite pastime. To be able to call out an adult and be correct was rare, but nevertheless a victory. To challenge the largest religion that - what I concluded- was ruling and ruin my life was a tall order, but was doable.

My barber was the first person that I knew personally who was not Christian. He educated me on the meaning of truth, knowledge, and wisdom. That was all fine and dandy. But when I was schooled on what contradictions, philosophy, theology, and history, especially Christian history I finally was on the road to intellectualism.

After a few low fades, I was hooked. I immediately became an ex-Christian. I did give fair time and consideration to all the religions and came to the same conclusion. It was someone making it all up. Someone who wanted to rule people. Someone with low self esteem who was not charismatic enough to lead and had to tell people "Because God told me so".

Now we are in the present, where up until 2 weeks ago I was agnostic. I believed in the possibility of the supernatural, all knowing creator, and afterlife no matter now unlikely. To a certain extent I believe that we are all agnostics as far as what we do not know. But when it comes to what we do know about the universe, I am very much Atheist.

So what did we learn today? Once again, not much. If you have ever seen shows like The Wire, you'd agree than the first 2 episodes were boring. Later on you realized that they were setting you up for the good stuff. I am still on the "who" in  the 5W1H introductory phase. I hope this blog was better than the last and continues to get better.

Finally, to all the Caucasians and less-vulgar readers, I apologize for the misstep. Quoting my posting where I was scolded for my vulgarity and insensitive jokes

I still thank you for your invaluable insight and opinions. I guess I do understand my awful comments. Hindsight, it was not even that funny.I apologize. I was trying to give be uncensored. Vulgarity and racial insults will not be repeated.... I promise you this. My race will never be an issue on my blog. I never claim to articulate my views 100% of the time. The joke about white people was bad. I can'...t really apologize enough for that.

I want to bring people together. Can't say I will never swear. I know I will. Pure vulgarity. Not on this blog. As a matter of fact I don't want to turn away your average Christian. Everyone is welcome.

Tomorrow : What it's all about? The Atheist in Us All