This site is for all Atheists, especially new Atheists, black Atheists, ex-Muslim, former Jehovah Witnesses, and any Atheists who are struggling with revealing their rejection of a belief in God.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

What it's all about? The Atheist in Us All

Today's post is brought to you today by The Incredible Hulk. He has came down to save my life the same number of times as God. Thanks Bruce!

So I am an Atheist. 100%, hardcore, die-hard, Godless, young man. What exactly is an Atheist? What Rules do they follow? What do we believe? What do we not believe? Do we have morals? All of these valid questions and much much more will be discussed in this brand new posting.

I could give you the academic answer to the "What is an Atheist?" question. That can get long winded, stuffy, and distant to the people that I really want to reach. Sometimes, people who know something or that consider themselves intellectuals can be rude, condescending, and downright meanies! Without passion or prejudice, I will give you the easy to understand layman's version of Atheism.

What is an Atheist?

An atheist is a person who does not believe in God, deities, the supernatural or anything outside of the confines of what we know about the physical or natural universe. This includes spirits, angels, The Devil, miracles, demons, etc. 

Why do you reject the existence of God?
I reject the existence of God because God can not be proven by using research, experiments or through any scientific methods. Furthermore, I contend that anything considered supernatural can always be explained by science, common sense, falsification or similar methodology.

From what I can gather, many people - who are now Atheist - were former theists. A theist pretty much covers anyone who believes in any type of god or gods.  In my case, I grew up a devout Christian. After reaching the initial conclusion that there were far too many superstitions, contradictions, and hateful rhetoric, I decided to reject my spiritual beliefs. 

What do you believe?

Atheists typically do not believe in anything. Believe is defined as accepting something as true. As an Atheist merely accepting a a theological idea without proof is rejected. As far as anything outside of that, we have hopes, beliefs and faith. It just has nothing to do with god. For example, I hope my kids have a happy life. I believe my wife won't cheat on me. I have faith that Atheists will prevail.

What do you think about believers?

I wish I did not have to think about them at all. I wish them no harm. However, I know that many of their beliefs are predicated on judging other people. All of my friends and family believe in something. I cannot begin to tell you how I would be treated if many of them found out if I was an Atheist.My mother told me, "If I ever found out that you were something like an Atheist, I don't know what I would do." I take that as meaning our relationship would be strained. 

Morality and Atheism.

 Some people assume that because I am Atheist, I am immoral, bad, evil, mean and uncaring. I always feel highly offended by this assumption. I have been married for 5 years and never cheat on my wife. I have 2 beautiful children who behave the same way most kids should. I am deeply concerned about world affairs, third world hunger, sexism, racism, global warming, and many other issues that would put me in the "liberal left" category. 

Contrastingly, more people have died in the name of Jesus Christ, God, or Muhammad than any other reason. Nuff said.  

How have you been treated?

I really can't answer that question considering that I have just came out of the closet so to speak. I can say I know how people have said how they would treat an Atheist in their presence. They think of us as God-haters. The Christian right wants to make the US an evangelical state. People are fighting all over the Middle East because they think they are God's chosen people. Right now, many people are dying because of an imaginary concept. Theists murder, hurt, maim, enslave, and imprison each other all the time. I could only imagine how they would treat me. 

Are there any famous Atheists?

According to several websites, Famous Atheists include: David Cross, Adam Corolla, Woody Allen, Kevin Bacon, Penn and Teller, Seth MacFarlane, the late George Carlin, Dave Matthews, Lance Armstrong, and many more in all fields.


I believe that many people are at least curious about us and what we really think about science, life, politics ,education, entertainment, ethics and even love. Ask me anything. We usually have the answers.  

Willing to join me?

Let's loosen the ties that the believers tighten around us all. Let's fight for the truth. We need more science education in schools. Evolution is real. Creationism is bs. The Big Bang happened. There were no talking snakes. Let Atheism be the next logical step in our evolution. In hundreds of years, we can be considered the pioneers in a new frontier.

Well that's enough for today. I hope people who are interested in Atheism have learned something today. Please continue to visit this site. More to come. 

Tomorrow: Where are all the Atheists and Why?


  1. George Carlin is dead?

  2. Good job! I don't see you as being "out of the closet" because you only expose yourself to us, here on the internet, not to the people in your real, physical life. A good first step though. One I would call "peeking through the cracked open closet door". Keep it up!

  3. Thanks Joe Martin. It's plenty of people who "Come out the Closet" on the internet to people on the internet and not their family. A little gay humor for the day. Have a good one. Keep visiting.
