This site is for all Atheists, especially new Atheists, black Atheists, ex-Muslim, former Jehovah Witnesses, and any Atheists who are struggling with revealing their rejection of a belief in God.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Wednesdays What They Really Believe: Atheists vs The World

Today's posting is brought to you by RuPaul

If you can believe this is a woman, you are prime bait for religion. All you have to do is believe.

Let us begin.

I know I sound like a broken record, but I have only been a atheist for a few months. I didn't come to me overnight. I knew exactly what an atheist was since I was in middle school.

Atheism, in a broad sense, is the rejection of belief in the existence of deities

I would like to think that most atheists come to the realization that they are atheists by  extensive studies and process of elimination. From my conversations with many atheists from all around the world, I have not found this to be the case. It seems that a large amount of atheists were once theists. That  a given, I know. They also seem to be former members of a western religion (specifically Judeo Christian). For whatever reason they came to the conclusion that they no longer believed in God, Gods , or Goddesses for that matter. I am inclined to say, " It doesn't matter how you came to atheism, as long as you are here." Regrettably, I can't be that easy on my fellow non theists.

I believe the two methods I used to become an atheist is very effective in strengthening your bullshit blocking muscles. The first is research. If you really read the doctrine, practice, letters, leaders, and history of every single religion; there is a high likelihood that you will scratch it off of your "potential religions to follow" list on your refrigerator door right next to your kids picture of Wow Wow Wubzy. The next step in expanding your religious palate is the process of elimination. This is very necessary. By process of elimination, you never stop learning about religions. There are thousands of them. It's similar to sports. It's so many dates, all-stars, teams, and head to head matches, that it becomes fun to talk about. How many stolen bases did Ricky Henderson have in 1993? How many innocent children died when God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah? That can be fun right? It's a facts and figures game.

I guess it's a matter of personality. I am an argumentative person and always have been. Even when I was agnostic, I was aggressive with my views against all organized religion. This is because religion is the easiest way to control the masses. Some of them are more effective. Some are more violent with there techniques. However, there is one thing that all religions have in common. They believe that they are right, honest, believable and justified in teaching their faith. I reject each of these ways and means. I try to disprove, reject and expose each and every single religion that is incompatible with logic, reason, rationality and most importantly science.

This week's Monday Morning Moron was about  France's elimination of the burqa in public places. Based on the feedback I have received, people rank rejection of faith based on a variety of reasons. Some people are more outspoken when it comes to some religions. I think this is because they are accustomed to and well versed in that given religion. Oftentimes, people get tunnel vision. They focus so much on one faith, that they don't realize the damage being done by the religions of which they are less familiar. I do a lot of book  reading (sometimes audio-books), podcast listening, web browsing, and social networking. I especially like the social interaction. That is the best way for a closeted atheist to really get his feet wet. The most entertaining has been the funny videos and pictures. I thought I was an asshole. Some of these guys are the real pros. Anyway words cannot explain how it feels to receive this much positive feedback I have received from people from California, South Africa, India, and coincidentally atheists who live a mere few miles away from my home. Despite all of the positivity, there is so much negativity that I see as counterproductive to the atheist movement. Today I want to get something off of my chest about all the obvious prejudicial bias that I see in our community of outcasts. Prejudice and bias do not mix well with outcasts.

Most atheists seem to rate their contempt for religions based on their former religion, how they were raised, and their understanding of religions that are not uncommon in their everyday life.

Favorable, Less Than Favorable, Highly Unfavorable, Detested and Indifferent

Take for example Christianity and Judaism. These two religions make up about 30% of the worlds population. Most "converts" to atheism that I have become acquainted with were former Jews and Christians. Their main reasons for abandoning the religion of their forefathers has been the unbelievability, hypocrisy, and endless contradictions contained in the Old and New Testaments. It does not take  much to find these gross inaccuracies.Matter of fact, go open the Bible right now. Genesis Chapter 1 Verse 3 is obviously false.  We all know that the "light" is the sun and that sun is a big ball of hydrogen that was formed billions of years ago.  That passage and hundreds of other verses would cause anyone with half a brain to easily reject Christianity and Judaism as a faith that any human being should follow. This allows atheists (on facebook, twitter, youtube, and other sites) to relentlessly mock these two ancient, archaic, and irrational religions. These go in the "Less Than Favorable" category.

My second example is Islam. Many freethinkers, humanists, and atheists view Islam as a violent, oppressive, and unscientific. I believe that this is so prevalent in the minds of people (especially) westerners because that is all we see. It's always terrorism, bombing, Iraq, Taliban, Al-Queda,  and 9/11. You have no argument from me that Islam is horrible. They objectify and oppress their women, promote violence (even towards their own), and incite fear in the hearts and minds of BILLIONS of people across the world. Let me change that. They can (and have the potential to) objectify and oppress their women, promote violence (even towards their own), and incite fear in the hearts and minds of BILLIONS of people across the world. I don't even know where to begin with this one. All three of the Abrahamic religions fit this category. I guess everyone has forgotten about how George W. Bush was bragging about how God wanted him to invade and occupy Iraq and the American people did nothing to stop him? I guess we have forgotten the Atlantic Slave Trade and how it was started up by Arabs and later ruled by Europeans under the flag of Christianity. And I suppose people who hate Islam so much forget why 9/11 happened in the first place. I am not a Muslim because of the percieved violence. I am not a Muslims for the same reasons that I am not a Christian. It is not compatible with my logical brain. That doesn't stop the rest of the non-Muslim world of looking at Islam as if Christianity or Judaism is any better. Vitrually everything that you say about Muslims can be replaced with Christianity. Don't kid yourself. Read the news. For reasons that are beyond my comprehension (possibly racism), Islam is placed in the "Detested or Highly Unfavorable" aisle in the supernatural supermarket.

The third and final grouping is the Eastern Philosophies, Eastern Religions, New Age bullshit and everything else under the sun. On the surface, all religions seem great. The same can be said about a transvestite from three blocks away.  At that distance, you may become aroused at "her" hourglass shape and large breasts. From one block away, you may salivate at the thought of "her" naked. Being right next to this person might even cause a man to become erect - ready and willing to take her back to your studio apartment. It is only by removing the clothing, that you realize one thing. The girl of your dreams has one big thing of her own. That is kind of like non-theistic religions. People are lured  because they are lured by things like morality and  meditation, but it's just textbook manipulation. After you remove all of the cloaks of "goodness" you realize that they are just as insane as all of the other religions. As a matter of fact, they are a little more irrational once you get to think about them. I could go all day long with why I cannot stand these beliefs. The karma, reincarnation, feng shui is really the shit that disturbs me. Just because you are not well versed in these religions, does not mean that they should be cut any slack. They too are a danger to the rational part of your brain. Always keep your dukes up or risk being sucked into their mental manipulation. Because people are unaware of the ways of the East, these guys get a "Favorable or Indifferent" passing grade.

Newsflash! All of the aforementioned religions are the same. They are interchangeable. All will destroy our advancement if not put in check, eliminated, and thrown in with all the other myths.

I believe that atheism is the best thing going right now. Whatever rational., Secular Humanist, Agnostic, freethinking, peaceful tranquility you find after atheism is your business. However, we must still maintain logic, common sense, and science above all other labels that we choose to define ourselves. People don't always come to you with fire and brimstone. They may never approach you with the true history of their respective faiths. You may never understand all that these religions have to offer. But know one thing. They are all based on beliefs and blind faith. Belief is accepting ideas without proof. I tell my daughter to never take candy from strangers. You should do the same with religion.

My previous article was about the banning of burqas in France. In my conclusion, I stated that I agreed with the French courts ruling, but they should treat all religious articles of clothing the same and abolish anything faith related. Not only did I misspeak, I was unclear and inarticulate with my beliefs concerning the role of government's relationship with religion. Please allow me to clarify my statement.

Only in a perfect world, the majority of the world would realize that religion is harmful to the advancement of humans all over the world. They are all based on a lot of made up bullshit. If we were to judge religions based on their factual information, I would say that all religions should be banned in public. False advertisement is the crime or unlawful acts that comes to mind. Recently, I saw the FDA send a warning letter to the makers of POM Wonderful. POM tried to make claims of health benefits that were beginning to sound like they discovered a new drug or viable alternative. I believe that all religions should be scrutinized in the same manner. If this happened, we would have a better understanding of the risks. I can only think of all of the old cigarette advertisements and how they claimed to be less harmful. Sometimes the government can do its job and protect the average citizen. Until that day, I guess we should treat all religions the same. Jedi training anyone?


  1. I think I made a case on facebook that undoubtedly shows that I am indeed very familiar with the worlds religions as a comparative religion student, it actually almost seemed like I had much more knowledge on the subject of world religions as you (not trying to sound condescending just basing it on our conversation). I speak on this subject based on this comment you made, "Just because you are not well versed in these religions, does not mean that they should be cut any slack. "

    As a matter of fact I believe it was I who was presenting all the actual facts about what they actually believe and why your statement is false. I believe I made a very strong case, while it seems here you just say all religions are the same including eastern religions, but you do not in fact prove your case.

    I in fact presented my case with well organized, highly informative evidence as to why you are wrong about this grouping off all religions into one basket. But you seem to keep wanting to infer your opinion without proving your case. No where in the entire blog did you make a case as to why all religions are the same, including buddhism. While you made a comment concerning Karma and Reincarnation, I already explained to you that this is not part of the core teaching of buddhism, and you are not required to believe in either in order to be a Buddhist, unlike Christianity that requires belief in Jesus as the savior.

    Everything else, I agree with! You are a great writer, keep it up!

    Let me do some copy and paste from our previous conversation in order to present my case, I hope you don't mind Darkskin.

    All religions do not all equally suck. While they might all be categorized as religions, so too are all fruits fruits, yet some fruits like the strawberry are healthy for you to eat, while others like the elderberry, while others like the elderberry are toxic and poisonous!

    Their are many religions that are more like philosophical guidelines of how one should conduct ones life, that were started by mere men and claim no belief in supernatural entities or forces. Just to name four popular ones, their are many. Mostly Eastern Religions though, their is a huge shift in thought between eastern and western religions.

    Confucianism which is accredited to Confucius

    Daoism(AKA Taoism) which is accredited to Lao Tzu

    Buddhism which is accredited to Sidhartha Gautama

    Shintoism has no historical founder, rather it is accredited to the Kojiki and Nihon Shoki

    It is not necessary to believe in Reincarnation or Karma, or even that Buddha really existed for that matter, to be a buddhist. The core fundamental necessity of buddhism is the eightfold path

    As it is clear to anyone who reads it, the eightfold path is nothing more than cognitive psychology. Although it assumes a right way, the Dalai Lama as I stated has spoken about the complexity of morality in evolutionary biology.


  2. The Eight fold Path - Buddhism in a Nut shell

    1. Right Viewpoint - Realizing the Four Noble Truths (samyag-dṛṣṭi, sammā-diṭṭhi)
    ... 2. Right Values - Commitment to mental and ethical growth in moderation (samyak-saṃkalpa, sammā-saṅkappa)
    3. Right Speech - One speaks in a non hurtful, not exaggerated, truthful way (samyag-vāc, sammā-vācā)
    4. Right Actions - Wholesome action, avoiding action that would do harm (samyak-karmānta, sammā-kammanta)
    5. Right Livelihood - One's job does not harm in any way oneself or others; directly or indirectly (weapon maker, drug dealer, etc.) (samyag-ājīva, sammā-ājīva}
    6. Right Effort - One makes an effort to improve (samyag-vyāyāma, sammā-vāyāma)
    7. Right Mindfulness - Mental ability to see things for what they are with clear consciousness (samyak-smṛti, sammā-sati)
    8. Right Meditation - State where one reaches enlightenment and the ego has disappeared (samyak-samādhi, sammā-samādhi)

    Allan Watts says about buddhism, buddhism is like grabbing water. At first you see the water, but when you grab it, you realize there is nothing there.

    On the same note: Calling atheism a religion is like calling bald a hair color.

    They are both very absent, except Atheism is just nothingness. Where areas Buddhism being a religion, diagnosis a problem (suffering) and offers a solution (awareness).

    But nope, I see nothing supernatural there, no core supernatural claims about afterlife, souls, gods, morality, sin, ghosts, demons. etc.

    Buddhism, along with a small handful of eastern religions, doesn't propose to answer questions about the origin of the universe. That is a big plus since one of my problems with religion is the perversion of scientific knowledge, and it is also another reason why we cant just dump all religions into one basket.

    So to sum everything i stated, the buddhist religion, the core doctrine as taught by Sidhartha Gautama:

    - Does not propose cosmological explanations
    - Does not propose an afterlife or eternal life
    - Does not propose belief in god or gods
    - Does not propose a supernatural world of any kind
    - Does not propose miracles

    In fact, the only reason we call Buddhism a religion at all is because what is does do is propose a problem (suffering), and propose a solution (awareness).

    Their system of becoming aware is nothing more than mere cognitive psychology and the conscious reprogramming of human behaviour. It is a mere secular method or philosophy about how one should behave in order to avoid suffering and gain the most amount of happiness possible.

    Let me give you an example.

    Confucianism is a Chinese ethical and philosophical system developed from the teachings of the Chinese philosopher Confucius. It deals with human relations on a secular perspective, it deals with politics, and it deals with the behavior between humans to one another. How is this different from say, David Hume's a treatise of Human Nature?

    In case your not familiar with the famous secular completely non-religious Scottish philosopher here is a link.

    Secular Humanism and the core teachings of eastern religions are not too different after all. What im trying to say is that weather you believe in god or not, you still have to ask yourself, Okay what do i believe is wrong and right, and how do I go about defining that. That is what a small group of eastern religions do, and it is no different than any secular philosophical method.

  3. "New Age bullshit and everything else under the sun. On the surface, all religions seem great. The same can be said about a transvestite from three blocks away. At that distance, you may become aroused at "her" hourglass shape and large breasts. From one block away, you may salivate at the thought of "her" naked. Being right next to this person might even cause a man to become erect - ready and willing to take her back to your studio apartment. It is only by removing the clothing, that you realize one thing. The girl of your dreams has one big thing of her own. That is kind of like non-theistic religions. People are lured because they are lured by things like morality and meditation, but it's just textbook manipulation. After you remove all of the cloaks of "goodness" you realize that they are just as insane as all of the other religions."

    The reason why you are saying that is because you really don't have any understanding of their philosophy. You're view is sort of "narrow". You're an atheist and that's all you know.

    "The karma, reincarnation, feng shui is really the shit that disturbs me."

    Well, for your information, modern new age religion does not support reincarnation ideology. It does not claim that karma is a supernatural thing either. It simply states that when you do something bad (ie. steal someone's purse), it will have a repercussion later (ie. the cops might caught you and you go to jail). That's a reality in life, and you cannot escape its laws simply because you're an atheist.

    "Just because you are not well versed in these religions, does not mean that they should be cut any slack."

    Wrong. A little learning won't make you a genius on the subject.

    "They too are a danger to the rational part of your brain. Always keep your dukes up or risk being sucked into their mental manipulation. Because people are unaware of the ways of the East, these guys get a "Favorable or Indifferent" passing grade."

    If they are also rational if given some positive thought, how does it danger your rational brain?

  4. I am a newly "out" atheist who, like Eric above, has found that the tenets of Buddhism are more of a life lesson rather than a religion. Buddhism is probably the only thing evven approaching a "religion" that makes any sense to me. I was not raised in a church, went agnostic at 13, and only through the influence of my husband (a Philosophy major) ended up attending the Buddhist Temple of Chicago. I still have many texts on many religions so I know from where others derive their beliefs, but ultimately reject any formal belief in a deity as it's completely illogical. I truly love this blog and the comments. Keep up the great work and help me learn as I make my new way as an atheist. I really appreciate it!

  5. whoops! That was "even," not "evven." And they PAY me to type lol
