This site is for all Atheists, especially new Atheists, black Atheists, ex-Muslim, former Jehovah Witnesses, and any Atheists who are struggling with revealing their rejection of a belief in God.

Friday, December 31, 2010

Return Post/Year In Review/ Top Ten/Birthday Blog!!

Today's blog has been brought to you today by your Lord and Skeptic, Defender of Disbelief, and Almighty Atheist....


Let us rejoice in the 27th anniversary of his birth. Hanukkah is wack. Jesus was a hippie, so fuck him. And Kwanzaa is a waste of time. Only I remain in rational things to celebrate this season.

Let us begin.

I know what you all are thinking, "Where have you been DSD?" Right here on the other side of the screen. I won't bullshit you. That shirt looks awful.

Obviously I have been on hiatus for over three months. That was probably the dumbest thing I could do considering people were visiting the blog, sending me great feedback, along with harsh (and oftentimes bitingly honest) criticism. It was all good, and I just stopped. There are several excuses reasons that I could give you. Let's not even go there. Just know that this is the return. I am well rested, prepared, and motivated to share with you all my journey and boring, unoriginal, and useless take on several issues that are important to me. No matter what, I will continue to do my thing even if you stop reading. I hope you all continue to follow me and (if we share similar idea) I will follow you on the path to a world where any mention of  God (or any other nonsense) will be a relic of the past and  no longer be a part of our future.

Personally, 2010 was the shittiest year of my adult life.I made less money this year than any other since I was 19 years old. Without revealing too much, I am a private consultant in an industry that is dying like a stray dog in the Blizzard of 2010. I worked so little this year. There was a lot of time to spend with my family... sorta.

I don't tell you this to get any type of sympathy. Quite the contrary. I would hope you would be happy for me. If I worked as much as I have been in the previous 6 years, I doubt I would have become an atheist. I would have been stuck in the purgatory of agnosticism. If you read my posts, you would know all about my "issues" with agnostics.

Christians say something like, "Idle hands are the devils playground". Nothing can be closer to the truth Jesus freaks. I had a lot of time on my hands this summer. This led to many occasions where I could sit and masturbate reflect. It didn't take a long time or deep concentration to embrace atheism. In fact, I believe that I was probably an atheist years ago. I was probably just too afraid to admit it. I imagine your path was similar. Who knows? You do. Tell me.

So what brings me back to ?

Well isn't it obvious. It's a holiday. Well it should be. Today is the 27th anniversary of my birth. On this day in 1983, I was born in a Catholic Hospital. Today, I have created my own secular home where the irrational belief in an intelligent creator is rejected; not forcibly, but through logic and reason. Being a struggling atheist always trumps wealthy Christian. Sure I could use the money, but the knowledge is far more important.

There have been so many stories that have affected our lives this year. A-Z from Akron, OH losing it's hometown hero to Zydrunas Ilgauskas joining him in Miami. I could go on for days about how Lebron James is an asshole. Too bad I don't have a sports blog. I have an atheist blog. But this isn't just a blog all about all about atheism. It's more of an atheistic blog. I don't think that word is used enough to describe the mindset of most atheists, freethinkers, skeptics, or any other people under my umbrella tree.

Without further ado, these are the top ten stories, events, and ideas that have affected, influenced, enlightened, and entertained me this year in the year of YOUR lord 2010.

#10  Michigan Atheists - For the most part, I prefer walking alone like that Green Day song. But like the great dude David Hume once said, "Truth springs from arguments amongst friends." Considering that none of my close friends and family follow the righteous path; I must consider other alternatives in search of "truth". One of my Michigan buddies "DC" suggested that I attend a Michigan Atheists meeting one day. I will discuss this in a later blog. Let's just say for now that younger atheists need to participate in gatherings. The average age was biblical. I hope I don't get into any trouble when I return. Considering that this blog isn't written on papyrus, I have little to worry about. BURN!

#9 Atheist Billboard Controversy - A few years ago, I remember reading about buses having the advertisement "THERE IS PROBABLY NO GOD. SO STOP WORRYING AND ENJOY YOUR LIFE." At the time, I thought an atheist making any commentary was pointless. After watching four seasons of Man Men, I have become increasingly aware about the power of advertising. When the American Atheists put up this billboard around Xmas time,

#8  The Gays Taking Over - I love when homophobic bigots make this claim. The truth is, gay people took over years ago. It just took certain other idiots to get with the program and accept the truth. Gay people have been taking care of us for years. They have told us how to dress, what color goes with that rug in the living room, and how to be a female singer/songwriter. They didn't even need to necessarily need to tell you that they were homosexual. Now they want recognition. Gay and lesbian couples want to get married. Good luck. On behalf of all married people, it's a FUCKING BALL! They also would like to serve openly in the military. Being a veteran myself, I don't know what the big deal is. There are so many gay dudes and lesbians in the Army right now, you could fill the stands of a LA Sparks vs Phoenix Mercury game and a Broadway showing of Rent at the same time. Maybe not. But I have known gays in service. No one fucks with them. Because no one wants to lose to a sissy. Not me. I would be honored to lose to a sissy. :-)

#7 President Barack Obama - Say what you will about the man. We all have our "gripes" about how he handles things. I don't mind seeing a guy in his position fuck up and fall flat on his face. I don't think that is what is happening. I think we are getting a firsthand account of a man who tries to use common sense and reasoning in a country full of morons. Remember the last guy? He thought he was working for God. I don't believe that he read the part of his job description where he was suppose to serve us. I can't say for certain that Mr. Obama is one of us, but he certainly is Atheist Affiliated and deserves mention in this blog and along with many more posts to come.

#6 Christine O'Donnell, Pew Research, Gallup, and Tea Party Mania - All of these thing's reminded us that Christians, conservatives, and right wingers are more of an active threat than Islam could ever be in this country. Christine O'Donnell thinks that local school systems should teach whatever they want regarding our existence. Pew Research had a quiz about religion. Out of 32 questions, Atheists and Agnostics answered the highest. At the bottom were black and Hispanic Christians. Gallup also recently had a poll that showed 40% of Americans still believe in Creationism. The Tea Party is just icing on the cake. We are fucked and don't even feel it. Thanks white establishment!

#5 Christopher Hitchens' cancer diagnosis - We all have different perceptions of people. Many people see Christopher Hitchens as aggressive, rude, and off-putting. I see the opposite. I think he is very calming, respectful of belief (to a limit), and charming. I constantly use language like "stupid" and "retarded" when discussing religion. He seems to be nicer than me. I am the asshole. He is the wise old man. So it pained me when I read that we might not have him much longer. As soon as I discovered him, I learned that he had esophageal cancer. Did he turn to God and begin giving one of those deathbed retractions of all the damage he has caused to faith and religion. If you thought that, then you don't know much about Mr. Hitchens. He is probably going to go on one last huge tear and die fighting. That has been such a huge inspiration. The fact that he is dying and Pat Robertson is still walking around further strengthens my belief that there is no God.

#4 "We Are All Africans" - At least that is how the Great Richard Dawkins sees it. I agree. There has been a huge disconnect between science and the truth about African people. Not so much today, but you still see it. I think this T shirt is very important to bringing black people closer to Atheism. Thanks Dick.

#3 My mind doing a total 180 - I always tried to be a so called "deep thinker". In certain circles, contemplating our origins, discussing theology, and asking the tough questions is so profound. If they only knew that they could look in a fucking science book and get most of those answers, they wouldn't waste their time. Atheism has made me think more rationally about everything. I no longer  ask where do I come from, why am I here, or who is watching over me. My main question (which is rational and non religious) is "How can I help myself and others?" The latter question is not only self gratifying, but there is an actual logical answer to be revealed through reason.

#2 Stephen Hawking - Let's face the facts. The world loves Stephen Hawking. Correction: The world USED TO love Stephen Hawking. More specifically Americans were at one time intrigued with the wheelchair physicist who talked like a robot. I imagine that journalists, 60 Minute fans, and casual observers didn't understand what the fuck he was talking about. You know how a foreigner who doesn't understand English sits there, smiles, and nods as if he has a fucking clue what you are saying? That's how people seemed when they interviewed him. Many of those smiles have probably turned into frowns when this was said

“It is not necessary to invoke God to light the blue touch paper and set the Universe going.”

That was plain enough for the media to stir up a little controversy. Again, they probably don't understand what he meant by that statement, because they don't understand science. I can teach evolution and cosmology to my 5 year old. Why is it so hard to see that there is no need for a God to be rammed down our virgin throats? Anyway, this story was important because it addressed the existence of God head on in very few words. I love Stephen Hawking.

#1 The creation of  The Darkskin Disbeliever - Quick story. For a few weeks I thought about God. After thinking about the idea, I asked myself, "Do I believe in God". The answer was no. I accepted atheism. Not any book, website, or person that really that an impact on me at the time. It was just a simple question with an easy answer. Once I started writing about it in my journal, I decided to create a blog. A few months later, here we are.

That's it folks. In a few short hours it will be a new decade. I will see you on the other side. Thanks for making this a life changing year in the face of failure. Peace.

P.S. I have a long term job coming up. More money, more opportunities. Thank you Jesus? Nay. Thank the contractor for hiring me. Because at the end of the day, all we have is each other for a few more decades if we are lucky. Better make the best of it for now.


  1. Good read, happy new year to you, DSD!

  2. I missed this blog. It made me laugh in a good way.
